THE TWELFTH COLLOQUIUMFEST Speaker: Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann (University of Saskatchewan, Canada) Title: A common generalization of metric, ultrametric and topological fixed point theorems Abstract: We present a general fixed point theorem which can be seen as the quintessence of the principles of proof for Banach's Fixed Point Theorem, ultrametric and topological fixed point theorems. It works in a minimal setting, not involving any metrics or topology, only based on the notion of ``ball'' and the condition that certain descending chains of balls have nonempty intersection. We demonstrate its applications to the ultrametric case and discuss how such fixed point theorems can be used to prove Hensel's Lemma. For ordered abelian groups and fields, we discuss the possible choices for the balls: order balls (induced by the ordering), ultrametric balls (induced by the natural valuation), and combinations of both of them. This is joint work with Katarzyna Kuhlmann.