Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann's
Preprints and papers in preparation
- Rzepka, A. - Kuhlmann, F.-V. - Cutkosky, S. D.: On the computation of Kähler differentials and characterizations of Galois
extensions with independent defect, submitted
(pdf file)
- Kuhlmann, F.-V. - Cutkosky, S. D.: Kähler differentials of
extensions of valuation rings and deeply ramified fields, submitted
(pdf file)
- Kubiś, W. - Kuhlmann, F.-V.: Chain union closures, submitted
(pdf file)
- Rzepka, A. - Kuhlmann, F.-V.: The valuation theory of deeply ramified fields
and its connection with defect extensions, long version
(unpublished parts will be used in later papers)
(pdf file)
- Kuhlmann, F.-V. - Kuhlmann, K.: Arithmetic of cuts in ordered abelian groups
and of ideals over valuation rings, in
(arXiv) - updated version:
(pdf file)
Last update: January 18, 2025