Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann's

Slides of Talks

Slides of my talk "Higher ramification theory of finite Galois extensions"
at the conference
Resolution of singularities, valuation theory and related topics -- A celebration of the 63rd birthday of Mark Spivakovsky
UNAM campus Morelia, Mexico, August 5, 2024

I gave the same talk two weeks later at the algebra seminar of the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA.

Slides of my talk "Perfectoid and deeply ramified fields: algebra and model theory"
at the Model Theory Conference
Institute of Mathematics, Wrocław, September 19-23, 2023

Slides of my talk "Two longstanding open problems in positive characteristic and their relation to valuation theory, Part I: Local uniformization"
at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, September 2022

Slides of my talk "Two longstanding open problems in positive characteristic and their relation to valuation theory, Part II: Decidability of Laurent series fields over finite fields"
at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, September 2022

Slides of my talk "Local Uniformization and the defect"
at the IMPANGA seminar
Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, April 2021

Slides of my talk "Deeply ramified fields and their relatives"
Valuation Theory Seminar, MSRI, September 30, 2020

Slides of my talk "Ball Spaces: a generic approach to measuring the strength of completeness/compactness of various types of spaces and ordered structures"
at the Department of Mathematics
Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil, August 2019

Slides of my talk "Extensions of valuations to rational function fields of arbitrary finite transcendence degree"
at the
AMS Sectional Meeting
Hawaii, March 2019

Slides of my talk "Valuation theory, generalized IFS attractors and fractals"
at the
Joint Meeting of UMI-SIMAI-PTM
Wrocław, September 2018

Slides of my talk "Perfectoid fields, deeply ramified fields and their relatives"
at the
ALaNT 5 conference
Będlewo (Poland), June 24–29, 2018

Slides of my talk "Ball Spaces - Generic Fixed Point Theorems for Contracting Functions"
at the
Seminar algebra-geometry-combinatorics
Dresden (Germany), January 18, 2018

Slides of my talk "Pushing back the barrier of imperfection"
at the
Model Theory Conference
Będlewo (Poland), July 2-8, 2017

Slides of my three workshop talks on ball spaces and fixed point theorems
at the
29th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications
July 23-26, 2014, College of Staten Island, City University of New York

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Last update: September 2, 2024