Journées de l'IHP

Paris, April 5 and 6, 2004

at the Institut Henri Poincaré

This year's Colloquiumfest is organized by Zoé Chatzidakis (Equipe de Logique Mathématique, Université Paris 7), and
Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann (Research Unit "Algebra and Logic", Mathematical Sciences Group, University of Saskatchewan.

The Fifth Annual Colloquiumfest is generously supported by the Institut Henri Poincaré, the Equipe de Géométrie et Dynamique, and the Equipe de Logique Mathématique.

The emphasis of this colloquiumfest will be on

Valuation Theory in Algebraic Geometry and Model Theory.

Schedule of talks

Monday, April 5

10:00 am:
Opening of the Fifth Colloquiumfest

10:15 am:
Alexander Prestel (Universität Konstanz):
Valuations in real algebra

11:30 am:
Bernard Teissier (Institut de Mathématique de Jussieu):
On the structure of Krull valuations

12:30 am:

2:30 pm:
Raf Cluckers (ENS Ulm, Paris):
Model theory of Henselian valued fields in languages of Denef-Pas as basis for motivic integration

3:30 pm:

4:00 pm:
Francois Lucas (Université d'Angers):
Approximate roots and standard forms (towards the Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture

5:00 pm:
Peter Roquette (Universität Heidelberg):
History of valuation theory. Some thoughts for Part 2

Tuesday, April 6

9:15 am:
Manfred Knebusch (Universität Regensburg):
On Prüfer-Manis Valuations

10:15 am:
Mark Spivakovsky (Université de Toulouse):
About the Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture

11:30 am:
Jochen Koenigsmann (Universität Freiburg):
Products of absolute Galois groups

12:30 am:

2:30 pm:
Hagen Knaf (Kaiserslautern):
On essentially finitely generated extensions of valuation rings

3:30 pm:

4:00 pm:
Vincent Cossart (Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin):
Characteristic polyhedra of a singularity (after Hironaka)

5:00 pm:
Olivier Piltant (Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin):
Defect in valued function fields in two variables

Last update: May 2, 2024 --------- created and maintained by Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann